Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tartare de Boeuf

The term tartar was invented by Jules Verne himself in his novel "Michael Strogoff", where he tried to describe the Tartars, sworn enemies of the Russian Tsars, as bloodthirsty beings whose savagery knew no bounds and going up devour the diced raw meat!

Nowadays, what we call steak tartare or american is ground beef into small pieces accompanied by capers, pickles, which is mixed with egg yolk.


800 g of ground beef
A bunch of parsley
2 egg yolks
2 onions
40 g capers
1/2 lemon
2 teaspoons coffee mustard
2 teaspoons tomato ketchup (optional)
4 tablespoons of olive oil


Mix the egg yolks in a bowl with the mustard and the juice of half a lemon, salt and pepper. Pour the oil in a stream, turning regularly whip like making mayonnaise.

Add the chopped steak in sauce. Mix with a fork, then add ketchup, chopped onions, capers and chopped parsley. Take a few drops of Tabasco (try before putting more than 4 drops).

Divide the steak tartare four flat patties on plates refreshed. Serve immediately. Serve with fries or salad.

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